A fast interviewing process benefits employers and candidates, which is critical in a competitive job market. Because candidates are typically interviewing for several jobs at once, they are comparing their interview experience with you against other employers. Your interview process must vet candidates while convincing them to choose your company over other opportunities.
Shorten the Interview Process
You can speed up your interview process by putting fewer people through the process. However, if you cut back on the number of interviewees, you must boost your vetting process from the start of the hiring process. It will force you to invest more time and effort into your applicant screening process. The results will be worth it, and you will only need to interview your top three to five recruits.
Have an Offer Ready in Advance
The steps in offer approval can be many, which can slow down the interview process. Have your compensation budget approved before you advertise the job opening. Getting approval in advance will enable you to make a quick offer when you feel you have the right candidate.
Merge Interviews
Most employers have traditionally utilized multiple rounds of interviews to select their top job candidates. Unfortunately, this is not a practical interviewing method when you want to shorten the interview process. You can consolidate interviews to speed up the process. If you have multiple candidates to interview, consider a panel interview. You can block off time for back-to-back interviews with a candidate so they do not have to return numerous times. You can also share a recorded interview with all your stakeholders.
Trim Your List of Interview Questions
You can save time by not repeating interview questions. Meet with all stakeholders to ensure you are on the same page and not duplicating interview questions. Use time with the candidate wisely. Select the interview questions you must ask to make a sound decision based on the candidate’s responses. Cut any questions that are not necessary for a decision.
What Are the Candidate’s Other Options?
During your first conversation with a candidate, try to gather information about the candidate’s other job opportunities. Ask them if they have other offers on the table or are in final interviews for different positions. Do not be surprised if a candidate does not feel comfortable sharing these details with you. However, many will share these details if interested in your company. The information provided helps you understand the candidate’s timeline and to know when to accelerate your recruiting process.
Eliminate Unnecessary Hiring Steps
In a tight labor market, it is wise to eliminate any pre-employment assessments that you typically use during the interview process but do not rely on too heavily. You might also wish to skip checking references if you are trying to speed up the process. Most candidates typically select references who will only say good things about them. However, it is always worth your time to do at least one in-depth interview and a background check. Contact LaborMAX for well-screened individuals who show up on time and are eager to work.
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