Types of Day Labor Jobs
Posted on 3/14/2024 by Erin Helms
The term “day laborer” usually conjures up an image of people who are hired for a single day, or maybe more. But did you know there are plenty of other kinds of day labor positions? There might even be a kind of work you’d be perfect for if you’re looking to make some extra money on the side or while you’re figuring out your next career move!
Posted in Job Seekers
Tagged #DayLaborJobs #FlaggingJobs #DayLaborNearMe
Professional Reference Guide For job Seekers
Posted on 1/11/2024 by Erin Helms
You need to have so many things prepared when applying for a new job or looking to change your career. You need to make sure your resume is up-to-date, listing all your pertinent job experience and training, in addition to any certifications you’ve earned. Some employers also might ask for a list of references as part of the application process. It takes employers a lot of time to find a new staff member, from reviewing resumes and applications to scheduling and conducting interviews and checking references is a good, easy way for them to reach out and validate whether someone is as strong a candidate as they seem. But what makes a good reference? Who should you ask? What will they need to know? LaborMax is here to help demystify professional references.
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Tagged #BellinghamTempjobs #AllentownJobsHiring #TempWorkNewport #DayLaborJobs
How to Show You Are a Dedicated Worker
Posted on 9/28/2023 by Erin Helms