The Role of Traffic Flaggers in Work Zone Safety
Posted on 8/21/2024 by Erin Helms
Traffic flaggers play a crucial role in ensuring safety in work zones. They direct traffic and keep workers and drivers safe. LaborMAX offers ATSSA certification for flaggers in most states, though some states require DOT-specific training.
Posted in Safety Resources
Tagged #FlaggingJobs #BostonStaffing #SiouxFallsStaffing #LodiJobs
How to Hire Staff For Your Next Event
Posted on 7/3/2024 by Erin Helms
Summer is the busy season for just about everyone, between festivals, big corporate events, trade shows, concerts, parties, etc. It’s the time of year when your company might be over-extended in terms of having enough staff on hand to fulfill all your demands, or maybe you just wish you had some extra people to help lighten the workload for everyone and make things run even more smoothly. The good news is that LaborMAX can help! The solution to your stress is hiring staff on an event-by-event basis, as needed, to have extra hands available when needed. As a staffing company, we work with job candidates who have all kinds of specialized skills, some of whom are looking for a little extra cash and would like to take temporary work to fill their bank accounts while they have the chance. Here’s why you should consider hiring staff in partnership with LaborMAX for your summer event needs:
Posted in Employers
Tagged #PortlandStaffing #SiouxFallsTempService #BostonStaffingAgency #EventStaffing
Craft a Strong Job Posting to Gain More Applicants
Posted on 4/4/2024 by Erin Helms
If you’re having difficulty finding strong candidates or getting enough applications when you post an open position on your website, the job posting itself might be partly to blame. Job postings need to be evocative and enticing, containing sufficient information to make a candidate want to work for your company. Here are some details job seekers want to see when reading your job posting -- are you missing these key points?
Posted in Strategic Staffing
Tagged #HowToSourceCandidates #TempStaffing #TemporaryStaffing #BostonStaffing
The Power of Candidate Engagement: Creating Lasting Connections for Successful Hiring
Posted on 9/7/2023 by Erin Helms